The legendary Blizzard action series, scheduled for fall, will debut with Diablo III: Eternal Collection. As the most complete version of a long track in development, this will be the first time that players can use the game-slaughter of the series, while the treasure falls and legions of multitudes of monsters swarm in large numbers.
As a reminder, Diablo 3 in the console is very different from the original version for PC. With a completely redesigned control system and an additional Dodge for the Diablo III characters in the consoles, it focuses on the fast-paced, class-specific RPG action game, while offering a different view of the special combat style of the game. the Serie.
Compared to its PC counterpart, the console version is much more accessible, but the console version is completely out of the ordinary, allowing for two unique editions of the Diablo III experience. The Eternal Switch collection includes all the existing content of the game, including the basic game with its new content, the "Reaper of Souls" extension, the new Necromancer class and the current season's events.
With Eternal Collection on Switch, the port takes advantage of the console's features and portability while preserving the essence of the Diablo experience. 60 frames per second, both coupled and uncoupled, represented with a resolution of 720p in portable mode and 960p in the coupled state, the game works well in the modest platform that has repeatedly shown that it titles more powerful platform ports. While the quality of the graphics decreases markedly, for example, when the textures seem a little murky and less detailed compared to other versions, Diablo 3 on the switch is a consistent and fluid experience, especially in battles full of events and fullscreen.
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